There is nothing cool about owning a pickup truck without purpose. Farmer - fine. Professional dirt bike racer - fine. Mexican - fine. Own a barn - fine. But if you're a suburban dad who works at a law firm and you own a F-150 with 30 inch tires, I hope you burn your house down while grilling hamburgers for your fat, stupid kids. You are a shithead. Just because your hair is thinning and because you can't get it up anymore does not give you permission to buy a truck that your wife needs a stepladder to get in to.
I fucking hate pickup trucks. If there was an official emblem for fucking douchebags, there would be a hick pickup owner and a hipster mini-cooper owner fucking each other on it. Unless you are one of the aforementioned people from the beginning of this post, there is no purpose to owning a pickup, besides tailgating at NASCAR events and filling the truck-bed with Milwaukee's Best and yelling at women with cankles and getting a terrible sunburn and then going home and hitting your wife and getting arrested with no shirt on. Pickups were created for a reason - to move shit that normal cars could not, from point A to point B, not for you to drive in circles in a mud patch and listen to mashups of Kid Rock and Garth Brooks.
Whenever I'm on the highway and a pickup truck goes speeding past me at the fucking speed of light, I silently pray it fishtails and then skids into a deep ravine, shattering into a million pieces, then explodes into a fiery hell to burn away any DNA remnants of the asshole who was driving the truck. Maybe I just need to understand why, why you insist on driving 90 mph on a back road and kick rocks at my fucking windshield? Where are you going? Do you have to shit real bad? If that's the case, then fine, drive like a madman, but if you are just so inbred that you NEED to drive like Ray-fucking-Charles, than you deserve nothing less than a telephone pole sandwich.
And nothing gets me more than pickup truck decor. Oh, you have Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes pissing on Osama Bin Laden's face on your mudflaps? Wow, what a patriot you are! Go fuck yourself in a sauna, have a heart attack, and die. And what about that confederate flag painted on your back window? I bet you feel real cool dropping racial slurs with your friends Bubba and Jim Lee and Hank and Stinky, but why don't you go carouse a neighborhood that isn't more interested in Bobby Labonte's favorite snack food than the social progression of the 21st century, you fucking hillbilly. Oh look at that, you have a sticker that says OBX on the back window? Now that's telling, considering all the fucking rough and tumble tough guys who go brawl outside their 12 bedroom beach houses in Nags Head.
This weekend was like the gumball rally of asshole pickup truck drivers. Every motherfucker with a flat bed took to the roads, tail gating and menacing 89-year-old retirees on their way to see their grandchildren, weaving through traffic nearly clipping every car out of sight range, determined to not miss another minute of fucking fun in Myrtle Beach, Ocean City, or Wildwood. And why not? This is America, goddammit. Go ahead and drink that six pack of Bud Heavy you have in the console and go ahead and put camping lights on your truck even though you couldn't start a fucking fire with a canister of gasoline and a flamethrower. Go ahead and whistle at girls who would rather ingest cyanide tablets than spend three seconds smelling your Skoal breath. Go ahead and beat up those Guatemalan immigrants and throw your empty Mountain Dew bottles out the window and go ahead and trim your Fu-Man-Chu 'stache. You fucking earned it, you paid your taxes, right? You're a goddamn pickup truck owner!
Real men don't need pickups to feel like a bad-ass. Like Lee Marvin. Lee Marvin probably drove a Chevy Impala. And he probably pulled more ass driving a stock Impala than you ever will in your souped-up Dodge. I bet he fucking slapped guys like you and then drank a bottle of Jack Daniels and smoked two packs of unfiltered Lucky Strikes. You know why? Because he was a fucking man, not some half-wit in jean shorts rocking Hanes high socks and all black Adidas from 1998.
Fantastic... and very fitting after this holiday weekend. I kept wondering why the hell these pick up trucks drive so fast. I'd be going 85 and they'd still blow by so fast that my car would shake.
You sound like a butthurt faggot. Why you angry though? Your prius stuck in the snow?? Pickups should be the only cars people drive. They can do everything a normal car can do x100. Where do you live anyways? Where i'm from you can't survive the weather in a small ass acura integra or bmw.
This comment makes me so happy for so many reasons.
1. Because I hate pickup trucks, I'm a butthurt faggot who drives a Prius and/or an Acura Integra and/or a BMW.
2. "Pickups are the only cars people should drive." Agreed, if by people you mean "homophobic hicks who need to compensate for their tiny dicks."
3. Do you live in Antarctica? Why can't you survive where you live without a pickup? Did they ban SUV's? Do they assume you are a butthurt faggot if you don't drive a pickup and kill you?
U.S. isn't the only place Douche Bag pick up drivers ride the asses of others. Here in Canada, I worry about the safety of my family with all the inbred rednecks driving their F350s like morons. I look forward to the day when gas prices go up enough to thin out the herd of losers. Then more fuel efficient vehicles will be driven on our local roads and I can feel a bit safer not having head-hunting bumpers tailgating my young family while they go to the grocery store.
fucking asshole pickuptrucks OWN america you
will NOT get rid of them as long as you live
probably not for too long and all this bullshit about
homophobic and compensating
1. We dont have to like faggots so just live with it
2. if driving a big truck is compensating, is driving
a Golf directly admitting it then?
Fuck you piece of shit
Thank you man, I'm with you!
And for you fucking losers who drive those farming equipment on public roads just to get there grocery shopping at walmart, you do look stupid in those ugly trucks. I live in northern Canada I as one of the losers said above that you need one in the winter, well...let me say that you can live without one of those ugly trucks, I never needed one and I never got stuck in snow, always had FWD and not even a problem in the winter. They should learn that a vehicle is all about character, design an efficiency.
Actually, I hate pickups for another reason. The TRUTH is, they only drive one of two speeds. Either like a homicidal, dickless homo riding peoples asses when theres a foot of snow on the ground OR, 10 miles and hour SLOWER than everyone else.
9 times out of 10 when traffic is moving along at a snails pace, I look ahead and their will be some scraggly loser with his rusted out pickup just putting along, oblivious to the rest of the people around him.
DONT BE BUTTHURT ABOUT IT, its the truth. I see this every single frigging day.
,Also, a survey posted recently said pickup trucks are the NUMBER ONE vehicle pulled over for DUIs.
Another issue about pickup trucks....they are a sure indicator of a trashy neighborhood. I'm moving and one of the first things I do to check out a prospective neighborhood is do a truck check. If I see lots of trucks parked in the driveways (and I don't want hear the crying about how "my truck don't fit in that there garage") I know its a bad hood. Property values are in decline and foreclosures will be on the rise.
OMG I HATE HATE HATE men in pickups! They act like they own the road, will tailgate you even if you did 100+ mph. I had one slam into me a few months back and now I live with severe pain because of it. EVERY wreck I see lately is some pickup truck driver that has rearended someone. Start jailing these jerks!!!!
Couldn't have said it better.
I actually have a funny antidote for you guys about fucking with the pickemup truck drivers I use to deal with in Watsonville California.
So about 2 years ago I moved to California and started a job that had me traveling in a piece of shit prius (company car) every day over the same route.
Over time I began to notice that the local populace seemed to in general have an issue with the Prius. At first I thought it was just me but over time it was clear. People would pass and tailgate me twice as often as if I were in my Subaru regardless of my speed or driving style.
(No surprise, most Prius drivers are hippy grandmas)
So.. the road I took (Rt. 152 to Gilroy) is about 2 miles of highspeed straights through "rurlurbia" which then turns into a tight mountain pass up and down a 1500 foot mountain.
Now I drove quick enough on the straights (65+ in a 45-50) that most of the SUV brand Desuch wouldn't bother to tailgate/pressure unless I had passed them first. But for reasons unknown every 30-50something yr old white trash farm owner in their F350 and their POS migrant fleet of 90's flatbeds would rage on my bumper for the entirety
of the straights.
I used to get enough satisfaction from blowing them away as soon as we got to the curves/uphill but over time I got fed up. It was literally almost every single pick-up that did this. Something like 80% of the time there was a pick-up sniffing up my ass.
So after a few few months of getting tailgated every day I started to fuck with the trucks with a plan that I implemented for over 2 years.
1. Drive at my pace through the straights
2. Inevitably said trucks will appear and tailgate. Give them a solid mile to chill-out or see if they have the balls to pass me at 65+ on a two-lane road with no clear passing chances (99% won't try)
3. If they were still behind me after a mile I'd slow down (gradually) to the speed limit and laugh at them as they got pissed and tried to intimidate? me by getting as close as possible. (Meanwhile I usually took a mental note of a few of their plate numbers and the make/model/color of the truck)
4. As we approached the grade I'd wait for the first blind corner, slow down to crawl and shout that their truck is a piece of shit and that I was saving the environment with my Prius (Ahaha they really dont!). Then promptly peel out and disappear up the hill having fun all the way to the summit. Where occasionally I'd pull onto a shoulder to wait and lay down the law.
5. Aforementioned truck would pass and I would get behind them and start tailgating/ pressuring them back down the mountain.
6. Best part. Instead of going slow to get revenge most of thesde darwin awardees would actually try and outrun a CAR that weighs a ton less down a challenging pass.
OHH the pure JOY and simple Excitement I got out of watching those balding fucks get scared out of their minds as they tried not to understeer off a cliff or into a redwood while simultaneously being hunted down by a shitty Prius... Poetic Justice.
Tailgating those slow pieces of shit was some of the most fun I've ever had driving despite years of enjoyment in a B-spec Legacy.
Seeing as almost all pick-up drivers are easily butthurt over this issue I'd like to conclude this story with some notes.
-The vast majority of truck drivers are the last people who would or could use a truck. Same for the SUV twats.
-No matter how good you think you are at driving... you're awful. Trust me. You don't know anything and would get scraped by an economy car on any ROAD course because your in a (you guessed it) ...Truck.
-Prius (not that I'm defending their slow spongy tendencies) run consistent 17's and even 16's on a 1/4 mile.
9/10 stock pick ups on the street dont (or barely) run 18's. The prius is faster than you off the line... to 50... and probably all the way to about 110 where it tops.
*Remember that next time you "haul major ass" at 85mph past everyone on a highway.
Ohhh and Btw this is coming from someone who loves watching a TT Raptor rip 14's at their local strip. Unfortunately raising your truck doesn't make it a SVT. It makes it unstable around corners.
-The excuse that you need your truck for weather or mud/snow (in BayArea California especially) is irrelevant. While living in New England I towed trucks out of peoples yards all the time. In an outback. AKA the type of car that makes most of your truck fans idiots for even owning pick-up.
-Most (not all of course) 4x4 wagons can swallow rougher terrain. Climb better, Travel through deeper snow, and of course carve down a paved mountain pass faster, safer, and more efficiently... (Many with a nice short throw 5-speed too)
So there it is... from a car person...
A short story and rant about why trucks (and SUVS) are generally the most useless pieces of shit out there on the roads today.
I always disdained trucks but my time in California showed me why I truly hate them. Useless... pieces of crap that you probably bought because you fell into a marketing demographic.
Have fun with your center of gravity you fat fucks. Ohhh and get the fuck out of my way.
I have no problem with pick up trucks. It's some of the drivers that piss me off. The whole tailgating thing is annoying as all get out. I have a Jeep TJ (wrangler in The United States) so I don't drive a car but I also don't drive like a bag of shit. I try and respect other drivers on the road.
Most of you guys don't know the reason why trucks may tailgate you. I own a lifted diesel Ford Super Duty. I hate small cars, first of all because they could do 100x less what my car can do. Pick-up trucks are for work and having a good time. And most small cars think they drive fuel efficiently, when in-fact most of you narrow-minded sedan drivers think you do, but do exactly the opposite. I tailgate only if I need to, and that is usually with small cars being involved. The reason....they brake so fucking excessively! You don't need to you use your brakes so fucking much and your wasting gas! That is why we tailgate you, we want to conserve gas and brakes which you fuckers don't understand. Most truck drivers, especially lifted, know more about cars than you because they do custom work on them. They have more knowledge about cars and thus chose the pickup for a multitudes of reasons. Most diesel's get as good mpg's as Volvo's, Outback's, BMW's, Mercede's, and with some smart modifications that auto-wise truck owners know, can get much better mpg. Besides diesel, even though thicker is better for us to breathe in than invisible gas smog. Besides having the power being close to a 18-wheeler and 5x more power than a Hyundai, they have surprisingly similar mpg's. Lifted truck drivers are smart about how they drive and they drive efficiently, and make sure of it, while small car drivers drive the least efficient, overusing everything in their car, creating more stress on the car. Truck drivers will get mad at you or blow black smoke most likely because you are not driving efficiently. Besides most small cars I see do many more dangerous maneuvers on the road (cutting across 3 lanes of traffic just so they don't miss the turn, cutting out of a shopping center as quickly as they can), always creating a hazard. Truck drivers drive slowly in traffic creating more of a safe environment then you car drivers zipping in and out. If they drive fast is because the small car driver must be driving non-effeicently, or just wrong. Besides diesel can run on MANY more fuels than diesel alone, making them very versatile for future energy needs, and do not depend on oil companies (all non-diesel's are). Besides my daily-driver SuperDuty runs on free waste vegetable oil so all you small car owners can fuck yourselves! Free fuel and the the epitome of eco-friendly! You are extremely narrow-minded of the versatility of a pick-up.
Dude... The faggot above me is the perfect example of why we HATE trucks.
Absolutely perfect. Inferiority complex and all.
You people are pathetic at trying to prove yourselves.
It's laughable.
i cant do this. all you ass wholes hate trucks! why! i live in Durant Oklahoma. this is how we make a living. you can tell alot about a man by what he drives if it is a truck he is a man if it is a car he is a pissed off little prick with a napoleon dick! this is my truck 1 1963 c20 she gets a grand 10 miles to the gallon and i like it because im a real redneck! and yes she is a rust bucket!
Can we start the Redneck Holocaust now? The sooner these cousin fuckers are removed from the gene pool, the better.
People that drive trucks for no useful reason have small dick and small brain syndrome, and are more commonly known as “Rednecks”. And if you’re proud to announce to the world of your extra small dick and brain than have at it!
You guys are a bunch of butt hurt bitches its not just people in pick ups! I've seen douches in there fucking dumb ass cars go passed me when I'm doing 85. So shut the fuck up you dumb mother fuckers and get over it! People drive stupid, its not about the pick up or car its whoever is fucking driving its there mentality not the car or trucks fault you dumb bitches! Get the sand out of your vaginas! Quit trying to hate on farmers because they grow your fucking food you selfish bitch. And I have a small dick because I'm a redneck? I'd give a fuck but I gave it to your mom last night...
Pickup drivers are ASSHOLES.
The end.
I love this article. I live in a city where the amount of huge lifted trucks and SUVS out number the amount of cars on the road by far, and it's usually just one asshole per truck driving so fast you fear for your life on the roads. What is the purpose? Because they think they are hot shit in their huge lifted trucks. Enjoy paying out the ass for gas you fucking losers.
Well I do live on a farm, and I haul my dirtbikes in my truck every weekend. I don't hate cars my wife even drives a CRV... but I do hate whiny little bitches, and fags, and niggers. But that's just me. You can say it's because I'm close minded or don't know any, but I didn't hate any of them until 4 years in the military and being surrounded by you fucking idiots everyday.
Wow, this article was obviously written by an inexperienced little kid who probably can't even drive yet. People drive trucks because they like to, and as I recall this is America and we are free to drive whatever we want. I drive a pickup and I am an accountant. But, I do enjoy working on projects on the weekend adn being able to haul a couch if I need to. Just remember that the next time you buy a couch, bed or something else that's too large for you to squeeze into your little sedan car or SUV, that $100+ extra you pay to have it delivered...I didn't have to pay it.
As far as the tailgating goes, I will agree that the trucks are at fault "sometimes." Part of the reason is probably because some people don't realize that when you put bigger tires on a vehicle it messes with the speedometer and causes you to be going faster than it reads. Therefore, they think you are going slower than you actually are and ride your ass because of it. The other side is that there are plenty of people in cars that do actually drive slow and it does piss us off because we want to drive at a consistant and efficient speed. Whether I am driving my truck or a car though, I will ride your ass if that happens, you just notice it more when it is a big truck that's filling your rearview mirror instead of jut a close-up of a little car or SUV.
Next subject to cover is the Prius guy who made all the claims about how fast his Prius was. First off, yes, you probably did get treated poorly by almost all of the pickups because it is well-known to us that Prius drivers almost always seem to have an attitude that we are a "problem" and they are the solution in their little hybrid car (which has a giant battery that has to be disposed of somehow...). You fully admit that the Prius is not really the answer to all the envirnmental issues so I definitely give you some good credit for that. However, as far as your Prius being faster than ALL those pickups, I think not. Yes, you can handle corners better, because you drive a tiny car. But I know from experiance that my lightly modded diesel pickup has beaten a Prius before, blew it away actually. As a matter of fact, I have actually raced a V6 firebird (I know, not a V8 but still...) off the line at a stop light and beat him. So no, your Prius was not "faster" than all those trucks.
Finally, all you drivers that complain about how you're terrified to be in an accident with a truck because they are so big and you have fear for yourself and your family, well I just have to say that is one of the reasons I enjoy driving my truck. I don't want to worry about how bad it will be if I get hit by a truck or SUV while i'm driving a smart car or Prius, so I drive a truck. While accidents are never good and I certainly don't wish poorly on ANYBODY (unlike the author and his poor life values), I want to know that if I am in an accident, whether it's my fault or not, I am in a vehicle that will protect me and not get crumpled up like a tin can.
I think there are all types of people and while trucks are not for everybody, there are plenty of people that do enjoy having and driving them. It doesn't matter if they truly use them or not, sometimes it's just the comfort of knowing they could use them if needed that gives them their satisfaction in owning them. There is nothing wrong with anybody wanting to own whatever they want, whether it be a small car, sedan, SUV or a truck. You are free to own what you want so do so. Not all pickup drivers are model citizens on the highway but neither are all small car, sedan or SUV drivers. There is nothinf wrong with owning a truck and the author shouldn't have gone on such a poorly executed rant because of "his" experiences and should take much more value in human life than he has conveyed through is childish article.
I love BIG OIL!
You must have voted for obama
your talking about in america right, last i checked were free to do what we please, now carry on with something else
What a bunch of ass clowns!!.
You are the biggest fucking moron. The world runs on pickup trucks. Who builds the shithole apartment you live in? Guys in pickups. Who fixes your appliances? guys in pickups. Who fucks you lady when you're away? Guys in pickups. Go fuck yourself. And be sure to stay the fuck outta my way or else I'll run you clean into the ditch.
Ok, so I drive a pickup. My only vehicle. I some farming and contracting work on the side. Not that I have to justify the type of vehicle I drive to anyone. Typical morning drive to work, I set my cruise control @about 5 over the speed limit. I catch up to (usually) a small car. I go around said car(4 lane divided highway), never adjusted my speed. Move back in the right lane. Short while later, same car I passed finds gas pedal and goes around me, then moves over into the right lane. Almost without fail, same car slows back down because he/she really didn't want to go that fast, anyway.
So, now I'm catching up to the car AGAIN. At this point I'll usually get closer to tailgating them than normal to "remind" them that they wanted to go faster. Sometimes they speed back up to their "new" speed, sometimes I go around them again only to repeat the process.
This happens on just about a daily basis on my commute. Some trucks do it too. About 95% of the offenders are cars, though.
I am not going to lie I HATE TRUCKS! but again I am not going to lie I HATE HYBREIDS there slower then frozen piss. I change oil for a living and truck are a pain in the ass to do ford are the worst. I hate when people bring there tuck in for a oil change after going mudding. if you go mudding get your tuck cleaned before bring it in! unless you like having oil every where in side you truck after we are done. not to talk about those tire people put on them there a pain to balance right then you come back and complain when you ride ruff. if you don't like do it yourself are make sure you under stand what we are having to do for you. My bet is most people who jack up there truck never touch them after words to do there own work on them. that is way I hate pickups and suvs. not to say you cant do auto crossing in a suv are a pickup truck.
yes I will say I have pass few pickup then slowed down to the my cursing speed after I passed them because the where not speed up fast enough. now when they I just think this all could have been avoided if they would just get going faster and not try to get 30 mpg in a truck.
now the hybrid drive put your foot on the gas and go the speed limit and don't take for ever to get to it same to the trucks people if you don't want to pay for gas there is buses for you to take it is stupide to be going 40 mph when getting on the highway when the speed limit is 70 mph.
yes I drive a beetle for a every day drive not to say I race it too. and I get about 25mpg mixed driving and I drive like a bat out of hell off of the lights then I stay about 5 mph above the speed limit.
to each his on what they drive just think of other and what might get on there nerves and not just of your self. now I am the first to say I am guilty of that for more often then not but I am working on it to.
90% of pick up drivers are redneck assholes. They drive like their retarded ass is on fire. Most of the rear-end accidents that I see in CA involves a redneck in a pick up truck. I am tired of them tailgating me. I hope your trucks explode.
I agree with the article, and hate them as well. First off, the owners of them are all hicks who drink beer while driving and throw the bottles and cans all over the place with no respect for the land and the other property owners. And then when the last beer is gone, they throw the whole case out the window too! It doesn’t get much more low class than that, and these bastards are everywhere doing it! Secondly, unless you are towing a big trailer, there is no need to be driving a big, powerful pickup. But these hicks use them as regular passenger cars. And why the police dont ticket them is beyond me. Its as if pickup truck driers have a free pass to break the law. The third reason I dont like them is because over half of their owners take the time to remove the mufflers off of them just to be as annoying as possible. As if the whole town needs to know when there driving from point A to pint B! The muffler was installed on there for a reason you morons! Leave it alone ! I dont want to hear your vehicle when Im relaxing in my home! This is pure idiocy! Wow, these assholes have no brains at all! And then the fourth reason why I don’t like them is because there just so fucking ugly! I mean, really, you guys who think that these Ford pickups that are as big as a house are good looking have absolutely no taste at all! You wouldn’t know what good looking is! Now lets take a look at a 1973 Buick Riviera. That’s a nice looking vehicle. How about a 79 Lincoln, or even an 85 Regal. The new Mustang is even a pretty cool car. These are all low- profile cars. There aerodynamic. But these huge-as-house pickups that are so popular are tall, making them less aerodynamic, which uses more fuel, makes more noise, and in the end there just low class work vehicles which I would love to own if I had a boat to tow. Yes, then Im sure I would like it, but you sure as hell wouldn’t catch me using it as a regular passenger car. I am just sick as fuck of all these noise making low class morons all over the place!!
I fucked your mom in her ass in your truck
Seen the new ads for the Colorado? - right on the money. Nothing to do with utility, just about getting your truck a$$ in the air. When was the last time you saw a truck actually carrying something? It's all about ego, and trucks are the least competent vehicles on the road, but are driven in the worst way possible. I drive a Corvette in Truxass, Texas and I can count on a truck doing something real stupid every time I drive because he feels so challenged simply by the presence of a Corvette. Oh, and all that garbage all over the road - think it blew out of a car?
I live in south east Arkansas and there are many many many douchebags that ride big trucks and Apparently all of them have tiny dicks. I Drive a fucking Toyota Camry Solera And my dicks not tiny. my whole family are red necks and they're all terrible people, As well as every other obnoxious redneck. Pickup trucks don't own anything except the tiny acorn glued to the bottom of your torso you call ur dick.
I drive a pickup truck. Do I need one? No. I do it for safety. Believe me if you want, I don't care but I have been in 5 accidents in 3 years. None were my fault. First one I was driving a little bonds civic when a truck hit me head on. My car burst into flames and I have been injured ever since it happened in 2010. Then I bought a truck to be safe. 6 months after that accident I got rear ended by someone doing 60 mph. My truck was fine and I had minor injuries. Then I got rear ended 3 times again after that. I will continue to drive my big gas guzzling truck to the office as long as it keeps safe from stupid drivers.
Everything you said does not justify pickup drivers drive 20-30 miles over the speed limit andtailgate other cars or trucks. you need to keep an optimal and safe distance between your ducking truck and the vehicle in front of you. it is about safety and not about the shape or the brand of the car in front of you. but of course I do not think you will understand what I am saying stupid f***
It sounds like you had personal experience with Napoleon' s dick. nobody is saying all pickup or truck drivers. they are saying most of them and they are right
You are a jackass with a little peanut. were you raped in the military?
Yesterday a Lifted Chevy 3500 dualie backed in my wife's car. Damage to 3500 $.10 and our Honda was totaled. We were lucky to survive. That truck has never been off road, hauled a single board, or hauled a trailer. The twit driving just wanted to be safe, drive like an idiot, and try to intimidate all the small cars on the road. People who drive trucks that are not needed for employment should pay double the gas taxes and three times the insurance. It's the trucks that make the roads unsafe. BTW if you tailgate me, I will knock out the tooth you have left. you ignorant bastards.
Look I own a pickup myself and I just have to say not everybody is an asshole that drives one me and some friends are just interested in them just like how you sometimes see guys driving cars with different upgrades around where I live we just like them we don't go around roaring exhaust pipes and blowing smoke on them we just drive them and live like normal people
I hate all non-work applications of trucks. Here's why:
1) Trucks handle like shit. Even a shitty car can easily out perform you on a moderately twisty (ie non-arrow straight) road. If you're in a truck and you're on a mountain road, you're in everyone's way. That mile-long queue of cars behind you? Yeah, that's because you can't take a fucking corner at the speed limit and are constantly on your brakes. If you had even a modicum of decency, you'd pull the fuck over and let the competent drivers through. But instead, you're just in the way like a beached whale, creating visual pollution for those wih the misfortune to be stuck behind you.
2) Trucks can't stop for shit. I saw some dipshit recently with 26" wheels on his late-model Silverado. That slab of GM malaise had brake rotors that were maybe an inch bigger than the ones on my car, which weighs at least 2000 lbs less than the hideous truck. Combined with the typically shitty tires trucks have, heavy wheels (unsprung rotational mass), garbage suspensions, and elephantesque weight, good luck stopping your compensation device. And luck isn't enough, because the "commanding road view" and sense of entitlement it creates means you tailgating shitlords are the first to slam into the back of the thing in front of you or swerve wildly to avoid it when shit goes wrong on the road. If you want to modify your stupid fucking truck, buy some fucking brakes. Like, maybe some 15" rotors and six-piston calipers, because that's what you fucking need for your flab machine.
3) Trucks sound like shit. If you think your truck sounds good, you are wrong. V8 burble belongs in a muscle car, and it sounds fucking stupid if it's connected to an automatic transmission like 100% of trucks from the past decade have. Torque converters ruin the fun. In the event that your truck runs on diesel, the fuel of satan, your truck is going to sound like a disposal filled with nails and broken glass. It sounds like shit, and everyone other than shitheels wearing flat-billed caps and sporting their TAPOUT tattoos hates you for ruining their day for polluting the air with the sounds of a trash compactor running at 6,000 rpm.
4) Speaking of diesel, you can go fuck yourself a second time for making the air smell like shit. While the rest of us go about our day, perhaps enjoying a bit of fresh air, you seemingly take immense pleasure in blasting rank soot all over the place to ruin the fun. I guess I understand why you want to make everyone else miserable, though; I'd hate myself too if I had to drive a stupid Cummins-powered slab of shit Dodge when I could have bought a Porsche Cayman instead.
5) Trucks are slow, and you're in the fucking way. "Fast" trucks are only vaguely quick in a very straight line, and they run out of steam quickly. I can only assume this is why you fuckwits sit in the left lane of the freeway plodding along at 60 mph. Though you seem to get pretty butthurt when a dinky turbo car whips past you at 90mph, and you're compelled to give chase and pass to re-establish your ego boundary. Sadly for you, 100+ is the stuff of your dreams, where many cars are *limited* to 155mph due to safety concerns. Watch me drop from 6th to 5th and take off like a fucking missile while you scream over the 130dB din of your stupid mud tires and 5000rpm redline, fuckface.
6) Trucks are weak shit in poor weather. Combine your high center of gravity with a front-heavy weight bias and trash fucking tires, and you dipshits are usually the first ones spinning madly off the freeway when it starts to snow. When you're not doing that, your compensation tool makes you feel like you're fucking invincible on snow/ice, so you're compelled to go Mach fucking one or tailgate anyone driving remotely sensibly. Result? Per 2), you can't stop for shit, and you fucking rear-end shit, crash into people's yards, and end up on your roof in a ditch. I drove through a blizzard in Texas (yeah, that's a thing) driving a manual-gearbox sports car with summer tires and no ABS, TCS, or any of that bullshit. No fucking problems. It was the Viagra-beholden drivers of trucks that felt it necessary to cause 30-car pile-ups and waste the rest of our lives due to their general fucking stupidity.
7) Truck drivers always feel like they can bully drivers of small cars out of the way. Merging at 30 mph onto the freeway with an 80mph limit? Fuck you, Mini Cooper, I'm a goddamn TRUCK. Need to make a left turn but you're in the far right lane, one block from the intersection? Eat shit Mustang and step on those brakes, I'm a goddamn TRUCK and I don't give a flying FUCK. You shitheels force your way into traffic and then you're in everyone's goddamn way with your slow, smelly, loud, shitty handling pig of a truck.
8) Trucks don't fit in parking spaces, and you can't park for shit on top of that. So, needless to say, you inevitably end up parking your 30' long wall of bullshit over the line next to a small car, because fuck that pussy, he doesn't need to be able to get into his fucking car later. You also make it such that the small car driver can't see shit when they're trying to back out next to your stupid fucking truck, having to cautiously and blindly edge into the lot where other fucking shitlords in trucks fly by at 55mph with total disregard for the car driver who can't even fucking see them. (When you fucks force my to climb in through the trunk because you're so close I can't open my door, I roll down the window and hit your door with my driving hammer, btw.)
I'm not jealous of your stupid shitty fucking truck. It sucks as a fuxking vehicle, and unless you're using it for work, I hate your truck because you're nearly without exception in my fucking way since I'm so much faster than you. I don't even care about that if a) you'd have the decency to get the fuck out of the way when you're inconveniencing everyone else and b) no generally be an antagonistic fucking prick without any provocation, beyond the fact that you seemingly hate all people in small cars because they're "fags." Driving a small car means I'm not compensating for anything, dicknuts. That, and I'm a woman anyway.
I have places to go and shit to do other than deal with your ego issues. Leave me alone, stop driving like shit around me, stop trying to prove a point to me. I don't give a fuck. And if you drive a Cummins Dodge and your main pastimes are rolling coal and drinking keystone during my morning commute, know that there's a special ring of Hell reserved just for you
As a semi driver with almost a million miles. I hate pickups as well. Most of them think that they are better than you and pass like ass holes. Then pass one car length in front of me on a downgrade. IT'S HARD FOR AN 18 WHEELER TO PULL 78000 LBS UP A HILL OR TAKE OFF FROM A STOPLIGHT! YOUR PIECE OF SHIT PICKUP TRUCK IS NOT THE NUMBER ONE VEHICLE ON THE ROAD. THE 18 WHEELERS ARE. NOT 4 WHEELERS! WE CANT STOP ON A DIME AND GIVE 9 CENTS CHANGE! Unless you are a farmer or construction worker you don't need a big stupid pickup to show off and act like your big and bad.
I hate people that are different than me. I hate that other people enjoy different things me. Thats what that entire article sounds like. You are worse than the kind of people you speak of.
I really needed this today. After years of being bullied in my smaller "pussy" cars, I finally had the pleasure of being chased down and cornered, then purposely hit by a douche bag in a lifted pick up.
You are all on point. I find the usual suspects to be either younger white trash, or super angry middle aged pricks angered by their shriveling balls and probable lack of real sex.
God forbid I had flipped my car, had a small child as a passenger, or any other terrible possible scenario. I'm sure all of these things have occurred as long as these small dick bullies are free to roam the roads.
I pray they all shoot blanks.
I'm in the military too, you bigoted piece of shit, and trucks are still fucking obnoxious.
One question, u mad bro? I'll drive what I want, when I want.... You mean prick..
You people sound like a bunch of faggots... Why don't you mind your own fuckin business? I frankly don't give a shit what you drive, or don't drive because I don't let this dumb shit bother me.... if your gonna have a heart attack the next time a big ol mean truck driver tailgates you, then please see a psychologist, or stop being a bitch and move over....so what!? Holly shit y'all sound like a bunch of bitch asses.
Mind your own business? Car drivers typically DO. Assholes on trucks cause risks to everyone else on the road. How is it not our business when some asshole with headlights and bumpers at eye level and an extra 3000lbs of gas wasting mass cuts us off?. Every bastard in a truck should lay the gas guzzler tax. Funny how that only applies to cars.. How retarded is that?
Right on! You are 100% correct. Marry me!
A 23ft pickup truck should never be allowed to park in a standard 18ft parking space. Tow the bastards, please.
I drive a European sports car that has multiple saved settings for various drivers. I have one set so the mirrors reflect the headlamps of a tailgater back in their eyes.
^^ Lololol! i do the same thing! i wish i had presets for my mirrors though. i have to manually move them everytime... which is like every damn street light!, because everyone, even grandma, seems to be driving one of those faggot fucking trucks around. die truck scum mother fucker
Freakin' love this post. I've been waiting eight weeks for the body shop to put my car back together after a 26-year-old bitch texting and driving her boyfriend's F150 rammed me at a light. Of course, after the police officer left the scene, she drove off like, "la la la," as I waited in the dark for a tow truck. The body shop guys said they have literally never had a car with so much internal damage...every time they pull off a layer to fix it, there's even more damage underneath. Insurance company should probably have just totaled my car, they had no idea of the layers of issues. At any rate, I hope whatever that bitch was texting that night was pretty damned important, because thanks to her, I've been making car payments on a vehicle that's been sitting at a body shop for two months. I'd like to punch her in the face.
And ever since she hit me, I've been observing the totally asshole behavior of people in pickup trucks who have absolutely zero reason to be driving a pickup.
One thing this post didn't mention: "truck nuts"
Farmers don't get a free pass. Those douchebags will drive on highways because it's more convenient, even though county roads run parallel. 9/10 truck drivers are asshats who ignore the rules of the road, tailgaiting, running stop sings/red lights, not yielding, and general doucheyness like parking behind you and leaving their headlights on.
Nobody is intimidated by you limp dick faggets, that is the point. This is how stupid you are, you think tailgating makes people scared of the badass behind us? What are you gonna do limpdick fagget? Besides be a clown on the road and put everyone else's life at risk because you confuse safe driving with being a pussy, roll your truck and die already.
Glad there's a support group for those I offend in my lifted 2500. Hope those high headlights burn in the rearview mirror.
truck people are the simpletons of america. very easy to see
Clearly, a pickup driver thinks only his tax dollars went into building the roads. We’re talking about the "little man in the big car” concept. A word of caution, however. There’s an old adage: “Never underestimate the power of stupid people in high places.” In this case, the word “stupid” doesn’t denote a level of intelligence – it’s more on a par with a deficient mind set and shoddy depth of character. A “high place” correlates here to a form of power, such as the temporary advantage such an imbecile derives from wielding a much larger vehicle than an ordinary sedan. And make no mistake about it – it is power, which, together with that comparatively massive vehicle, serves to make a typical pickup driver a serious, reckless, potentially deadly nuisance and menace. On the plus side, each occurrence is short-lived and the only kind of “power” such a person is ever likely to know. Temporary though it might be, however, it’s a grave concern. This person possesses what could easily be termed the “pickup driver mentality” – approximately the maturity level of a 5-year-old. It’s unusual to drive even a few miles without encountering at least one of these characters in his oversize vehicle. I’ve often observed a car going the speed limit in the fast lane of a 4-lane, overtaking and passing vehicles in the slow lane. If a pickup driver shows up and doesn’t think that car is going fast enough, his technique is usually to position his grill to fill up that car’s rear view mirror. He will try to intimidate the other driver by staring him down in his side view mirror, expecting him to inconvenience himself by slowing down and pulling over behind the 50 mph cars so the pickup driver can zip by above the speed limit and tailgate somebody else. If he doesn't get his way, he’s likely to throw a temper tantrum. He’ll furiously whip over into the slow lane and accelerate. With a pout and a sneer on his face, he’ll “get even” by pulling up a few inches behind the next slow lane vehicle. He’ll then slice back over a few inches off the “offending car’s” front bumper to “teach him a lesson.” Why do they do this? The answer is because they CAN. The average pickup driver plainly feels inferior. I suppose his behavior betrays his attempt to compensate, which in this case is equivalent to “retaliate.” Seems to me such a moron ought to be required to park his gas guzzler at home and sit in his room and suck his thumb or play with something out of his toy chest until he can arrange for professional help. A radar detector must be standard equipment on a pickup because police cars are always absent when they're pulling their stunts.
Definitely agree with the main theme of this post, but anyone who thinks the phenomenon is confined to "rednecks" is out of touch with reality. In the Minneapolis St. Paul area, it's as bad as anywhere. By far, pickup drivers have the highest asshole quotient of any group of drivers, more than BMWs, SUVs, semi (real) trucks, Priuses or anything else. Not sure why they are drawn to pickups, but they are clearly compensating for something, or unsuccessfully dealing with their insecurity, impotence or incompetence in some regard. Construction workers don't get a free pass, either. Does you boss make you haul 16 jackhammers to and from work every day? A tool box won't fit in the back seat of a car? Great. Put those trailer mirrors out 3 feet and show us how tough you are.
i live in an area where in the winter even summer you can't go with cars but trucks can make it to these areas just fine and having too big of trucks is not my style but I also hate cars and suvs cars are for old people I know lots of people who own trucks that don't drive like assholes
to those who make a living with trucks and dont treat us small car drivers as inferior thank you id also like to add that the drag strip is only goof for seeing who has more torque and hp to get down the line fast. If you really think you are fast you go to a real race track with plenty of turns. I personally drive a 99 eclipse and im quite fond of it, i know its not the fastest thing on earth but i dont act like im a big hot shot because i have a sports car. most of the guys in my town think they are all bigger and better than me because their v8 is louder and bigger than my DSM. It gets quite annoying after a while. A few of them actually need a truck to get down the roads that r muddy because of excessive rain. to all the people that think they are badass and have big dicks because you have a truck, yall need to stop being so self obsessed cause eventually your cockyness will get someone hurt and or killed. i know alot of people with trucks and they arent bad people and they drive as a civilized person should. NOT ALL truck drivers are bad, but to the ones that r doing it because they think they r better than a car? u wont be thinking that when you get smoked by a small jdm. again thank you to the truckers who drive civilly and help feed the country.
Well it is not only pickup trucks that i am worried about which it is the person behind the wheel that i am really worried about since they like to Tailgate all the time for No Reason at all since these people have a Very Severe Mental Problem to begin with since they really Shouldn't be driving in the first place. Most of the women nowadays are the Worst drivers of them all since they will Speed And Tailgate me all the time even when i am driving in the Right Lane which they Should Be in the Left Lane which is the Passing Lane. It is real Fact that Most of the women of today are very Horrible drivers to begin with which these Pathetic Losers need to Get A Real Life since they really Don't have one unfortunately at all. We need more Police on the Road to look out for these people that drive like that on Purpose and they always get away with it too.
Spoken like a true inbred! Bravo
I dont think ive seen more butthurt in one comment section ever.
Obviously, you car drivers are jealous of real men, with real jobs, who drive pickups. If you dont like feeling intimadted in your 4cylinder FWD shitbox, buy a truck next time.
I hope you live with unbearable pain until you hang yourself with a bedsheet you dumb fucking cunt. Dont cry snowflake. Your mother loves my cock it will be ok.
Owned Chevy 1500, 10 years (used to haul everything(loader tires, gravel, block..etc) that is why I had it. Managed gravel quarry 30 years, and when real men owned pickups and we would dump a corner of a 5yd bucket of riprap into back of a pickup which would spilling over sides of their truck (loader bucket to big). The good old days when people actually used their truck like men. That was about 10-20 years ago, believe me that how it used to be. Now when MOST come with their DANDY truck and want it delivered(FACT). You should see these guys now making a hussy fuss.
I work in the business and MOST of these pickup trucks are now monuments to penises. Dont let these people fool you.
Best rated vehicle for all weather is Subaru hands down, and faster on highway.
Just get a regular fucking car with fucking traction control like every other normal person you fuckwad. You absolutely don't NEED a truck to live in a shitty weather region you dumb fuck, uneducated, racist, douchebag, dick licking fuck butt
i'd take a truck over a gay ass asian vehicle anyday
Excellent article. Don't know what attracts the piece-of-shit drivers to the pickup truck. There is a direct relationship between those who drive these vehicles in the city and the discourteous and dangerous behavior they exhibit on the streets. Oddly, it is the ones with visibly mucked up and heavily used beds that drive with much more respect on the roads than the assholes who maintain their penis-enhancers with a nice, pretty, shiny bed.
Where I live, the Chevy pickup drivers are the worst of all. Especially when they have a 6 inch lift, 35 inch tires, green LEDs and a light bar.
If you see a chevy with one or more of those things, I can guarantee you that they don't know how to drive, love spending daddy's money, and think they're better than everyone else.
Pickup trucks are horrible in snow and ice. I see them all the time fishtailing and stuck here in the Illinois Winters
My Honda is much better.
It also isn't loud and noxious and wasting gas.
They are morons with inferiority complexes. They need trucks to make them feel superior - way up high.
Anyone intellectual is a "faggot" to these imbeciles.
What cracks me up is they need giant powerful engines to move the weight of the giant engine itself and the giant heavy body of the truck.
A small percentage of the power is actually left to propel the vehicle.
It is really an exercise in INefficiency.
But what do these rubes care?
It's your 'merkan right to be a wasteful asshole with no regard for others or anything.
They just can't stand for someone to be ahead of them.
("You aint no better than me!")
None of that makes sense.
You can simply back off and slow down.
It also defies all laws of physics to assert that a giant vehicle with a giant engine is more efficient.
Yes, thank farmers for growing our genetically-modified pesticide poison food while simultaneously poisoning our soil, air, and water and contributing to our sickly, dna damaged mutants with low IQ who - guess what? - drive pickup trucks for no reason
Yes, thank farmers for growing our genetically-modified pesticide poison food while simultaneously poisoning our soil, air, and water and contributing to our sickly, dna damaged mutants with low IQ who - guess what? - drive pickup trucks for no reason
So you have a giant truck to protect you from giant trucks. If you had a BIGGER truck then that would protect you even more. So lets just make vehicles (moving one person) bigger and bigger until we reach absurdity.
Oh wait... we already have.
Why can no one on the internet manage to spell the simple words "YOU'RE" and "TOO"?
We rest our case.
Highway driving isn't some game. Stay the hell away from all other vehicles. There should ZERO accidents on highways. They are caused by idiots and assholes.
You should not be driving.
A good driver knows how to stay away from other vehicles and avoid accidents. "Fault" is irrelevant.
The saying in the transportation branch of the army is, "Little man, big truck". That about says it all.
pickup truck are very amazingly benefits my small business, I can easily reach out to the bigger city with my raw material from town and gets good money.
small commercial vehicles is really good option in there.
You must have had some very old underpowered pick up truck's on the mountain pass with you. I don't care if you are mario Andretti I have a 7500 pound pickup truck that's got a 6in lift all Factory that would out handle outrun an outbrake many more capable cars than a Toyota Prius. I've literally towed front wheel drive cars through the snow and mud with it! And very few rednecks got the mid price truck money 75 grand to afford a modern truck. I've owned modern muscle cars with over 500 plus horsepower so I'm not talking out my ass. A new high horsepower truck has the power of a sports car the ride an interior of a luxury car and you can haul all your s*** in it. Sounds like a win-win situation to me? I was a car guy 45 years of my life all it took was one bad ass truck change a forever. Enjoy driving that Prius!
I don't care how much horsepower a truck has, I would take a Prius over any one of those agricultural vehicles. Does nobody know how to drive anymore? Taking corners fast is fun in a car! Sure anyone has the right to choose their mode of transportation but why not get a school bus while you're at it? It's even bigger than your one ton truck and has a huge diesel engine! You name it, I've driven every HEMI, Cummins, Duramax, Ecoboost POS out there and I wouldn't choose any of them over my base model NON TURBO Impreza. I drive circles around those pigs when it snows. Yes I am quite hetero, and odds are I am physically taller and stronger than you. Better watch your ladies and get higher lift on your bro dozer to compensate for that nasty flab you're carrying around with you.
The same assholes who own a pickup truck probably own a loud harley! It's all about LOOK AT ME!! For all you jerkoff's (and if you are offended by this that means you are one)that need to be seen or heard well the earth would be better off if you just died.
Stupid drivers come in all kinds of vehicles but most of the time it's some jerkoff in a pickup. I was coming into a parking garage the other day and some dumbass in a pickup was barreling out of there and we just about had a head-on collision thanks to that idiot driving fast in a damn parking garage. A lot of people in trucks seem to have a need to drive super fast and be up high to look down on everyone else. And forget about the excuse that they need a truck to haul things. Bullshit! Most of the time the beds are empty. Large pickups look stupid and the drivers are just as idiotic.
Yeah, they drive fast and tailgate, then lumber so frickin' SLOW around corners so you miss the light.
All this is funny as hell to me I drive a semi for a living and I can send you a years worth of dash cam video in 10 hour segments on both cars and pickups I do exactly the speed limit and yet both cars and pickups are either speeding or slowing down traffic both take turns like they'll die if they slow down both ride there brakes and a truck will do just as well in ice and snow if you know how to drive instaid of how to operate a vehicle it's the driver not the vehicle but I will tell you one thing my semi weighs 20,000 lbs my trailer ways 60,000 lbs and I don't care what you drive if you brake check me or cut me off on a downhill I will NOT slow down for your non driving ass I Will floor it and run over your ass then ill stop whenever I damn well feel like it because I'm done putting up with all these ignorant self entitled idiots on the road thinking there better than everyone else here's some food for thought for all of you that say cars are cheaper average amount of passengers including driver in a pickup is 2 ... Average passengers in a four door car is 1 ... Seems to me that 2out of three people are driving a car so how is it not wastefull when you can fit four or more and would rather clog up the roads by being self centered
Women Lie : Size DOES Matter
And if you've ever taken a girl home, gotten hot and heavy and then felt embarrassment and PANIC when you take off your pants and see the look of DISAPPOINTMENT on her face, you need to go check this out right now . . .
===> Don't Disapoint Her With Your Little Guy <=====
I'll tell you right now (and I've got proof), that anyone who tells you "size doesn't matter to women" is flat out lying to your face and trying to make you feel better . . .
Heck, just recently I asked a focus group of women via an anonymous online survey if size matters, and again and again they said "Oh my god, I HATE IT when it's SMALL."
For a long time I didn't know what to tell the guys who'd write in to me and ask how to get "bigger."
I'd say something lame like "Women actually like guys who are smaller . . . you just have to get good with your hands."
Then I found "THE BIBLE of Penis Enlargement" by this guy named John Collins . . .
===> They HATE It When It's Small <=====
What's crazy about this is that John has ACTUAL VIDEO PROOF that his stuff works . . .
He's got a literal mountain of testimonials from customers not just SAYING that they added 3 or even FOUR inches . . .
But actual VIDEOS that can't be faked.
I was 100% skeptical until I saw these vids, so even if you think it's "impossible" to get bigger (and there's no pills or suction devices or any of that crap) go check out the overwhelming proof on John's site.
===> Women Lie : Size DOES Matter <=====
P.S. There's absolutely nothing in the world that will make you smile as wide as pulling down your pants and seeing a look of AWE and ANTICIPATION on a woman's face. The first time you hear her say "It might be too big" in a soft, excited voice, you're going to feel a thrill through your spine like you just snorted 3 lines of cocaine.
If you aren't at least 7 inches you owe it to yourself (and to the women in your life) to check this out.
===> Proof Of REAL Growth <=====
Many great comments here. Another issue with the current bigass, high shelf, tinted rear window pickup trucks is that if you are stuck behind one in traffic... you can't see what's going on ahead of it. You can't look over it, around it or through it. You end up watching his bumper for the next 30 minutes in crawling stop and go traffic. Bad.
My TDI is much more efficient than your low self esteem compensating tool. You won't be getting 5 litres per 100km anytime soon like I do
I come from 10 years in the future where it became the norm for Jeeps, SUVs, and Pickup trucks to drive with LED lights. You know, at eye level, what a fantastic idea for bigger vehicles to blind you no matter how far away you are. This isn't a driving hazard! Remember when they bitched about polishing your headlights to the point where it could make it too bright for other's safety?? Well, throw that out the window because if you hope to drive at all now, either get used to wearing shades at night or just be ready to be blinded. You would naturally think they have their brights on, nope, if they turn those fuckers on then everything in the radius will not only be blinded but will succumb to it like a nuclear explosion. Congratulations, you piece of shit, you cemented your place as the biggest faggot on the road. These shouldn't even be LEGAL
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Lol butthurt truck driving shittard. You really are fucking stupid. You tailgate because you want to ‘save gas’? Don’t buy truck in the first place idiot! Truck drains fuckton of gas to begin with. Smaller cars would still consume much less gas even they step on brakes multiple times you idiot. And small vehicle owners don’t know how to save gas by not stepping on breaks too often?? That’s basic knowledge to most of drivers out there. You thought you were that smartpants for knowing that expert knowledge? Hahaha you really crack me up! Try again you redneck insecure pickup truck inbred!
They're alot of those pricks around here, they think they're a fucking badass. I got news for you YOUR NOT SHIT!!!. You're NOT amusing anyone with you're piece of shit Ford (there crap by the way) or raised truck (just so you know, you hit a kid or a pet cause so busy showing your ass). I'm coming for you and sticking that truck up your ass. Idiots
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In the U.S., we've been taught to believe in the American Dream; though it's changed since its induction, some aspects of it (like defining your success with material possessions) haven't really changed over time. Regarding pickup truck drivers, some value their trucks as a symbol of their success. Now, I'm neither endorsing nor condemning this belief, but I think you should recognize that differences in thinking don't necessitate viewing the issue through the binary lenses of "right" and "wrong"; instead, they encourage further exploration to understand the why each party holds their respective beliefs.
I encourage you to take a step back and investigate your claims by speaking to some owners and drivers of pickup trucks about why they value them, and/or even trying to drive a pickup truck yourself! Yes, it's true you might find some pickup truck drivers exhibit the stereotypical behavior you've described; but have you tried speaking with other demographics? If you change the demographic you're speaking to, you may find that they counter your assumptions (by driving pickup trucks for different reasons: safety, necessity, etc.).
---Cheers to staying open-minded!
This is one of the most ignorant and misinformed comments that I've ever had the displeasure of reading. And that's saying a lot.
I feel sorry for you. I really do. It must be suck being this stupid.
For all those loser pick up truck people out there that don’t understand how ridiculous you look.
It’s really just like imagining everyone driving with Fork Lifts with nothing on the forks.
I don’t see any difference with people driving a forklift as their daily commuter as someone driving a pick up truck as their daily commuter
I drive an RV. Pickup truck drivers are half assing it. Do you have a fridge, TV, and a couch in that toy of yours? I have no fewer than 3 beds upon which to fuck your mom. I hear you truck boys say size matters. Well i'm 10,000 lbs, 24 feet long, and 11 feet high. If this was prison, you all would be my bitch. I don't even have to drive like an asshole. I can just park and guess what? I fucking live here now.
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You guys are a bunch of crybaby pussies. First off, your POS prius or whatever other cuckmobile you are driving is not gods gift. We drive trucks cause we are MEN, who do actual WORK, and like to tow our toys on the weekends. So enjoy your worthless job and bath and body works, ill be ploaing your old lady in the bed of my 10mpg F250
Fucking pansy ass douche bag u need a big truck like every other prick to make up for their flaccid penis that they can't get up. So fuck u and every other dip shit that drives a huge truck that have no use for than being an asshole
Pickup trucks are giant, slow, hideous, overpriced piles of shit driven by brainless windowlicking retards not worth the air they breathe. Imagine being a dumb mother fucker dropping Benz or Porsche money on a fat, faggot, brokeback queer hauler and thinking it makes you look cool. You're a huge fag, everyone is laughing at you. People with EVs aren't even as gay as you and they are pretty fucking gay. Every truck driving fag in this comment section is a 5'5" obese manlet with a cum soaked goatee and a shaved head who thinks watching men's asses in the football and clogging his arteries with bacon makes him a bad ass. You all have diabetes, AIDS and look retarded. Kill yourselves, you truck driving cocksuckers, every last one of you is garbage and should erase your inbred genes from the gene pool forever. If I see your fat ass blocking the left lane in your slow, obtuse piece of shit I'm going to shoot you.
Only toy that fag with the '10 mpg f250' tows is his 6 ft dildo he and his gay friends shove in their asses. None of you queers with crew cab pickup trucks do any work, the toughest part of your body is your anus because of all the dicks you take in it. Please kill yourself, 10 mpg and it can't hit 60 mph for a week. Slow, ugly, retarded, and a Camaro can tow just as well. Please kill yourselves. Preferably driving your faggot trucks off cliffs so they are gone too.
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